
Policy Statement​

At FitatSea, we are committed to operate our business sustainably  .
This means that we rigorously adhere to the highest standards in law & regulation, ethical behaviour, health & safety and environmental sustainability. FitatSea ensures that all matters of Corporate Social Responsibility are considered and supported in our operations and administrative matters and are consistent with our stakeholders’ best interests.

Supplier Code of Conduct

FitatSea has also partnered with IMPA Act in setting up a Responsible Supply Chain Management(RSCM) within the global maritime industry. IMPA ACT is an initiative of International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) that encourages ship owners, ship operators and ship suppliers to demonstrate a tangible commitment to CSR. 

At the core of the IMPA ACT initiative is the IMPA ACT Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC), a set of social, environmental and economic principles that entails internationally endorsed expectations for businesses and represent current best practice.  The IMPA ACT SCoC is based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights 2011 (UNGPs) and the ten universal principles of the UN Global Compact. As a result, the SCoC not only covers suppliers’ adverse impacts on human and labour rights, but also their impacts on the environment and anti-corruption.

FitatSea expects all our suppliers to meet the expectations set forth in this Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) and to adhere to it.



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